Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Top Ten Reasons to Date a Girl Who Travels

1. She will keep her sh** together.

You can't catch airplanes, buses, and trains, and not know how to keep the time.

2. But she's also going to be incredibly flexible and spontaneous.

When traveling, things will always come up, and you'll have to bend your plan. You'll also have days when it will just be the perfect day to do something that wasn't on your schedule -- you'll take an unplanned trip or have a great conversation with a stranger.

3.She has a love of life.

 If you travel, you love people and the world, and you always want to see more, breathe more, and experience ever bit that life has to offer.

4. She knows where she's going next.

Travelers always have a plan, and they always know what countries or places they want to go next, naturally, this seeps into their home life too.

5. She's independent.

Especially if she's ever traveled alone.

6. And adaptable.

When you are in a different culture, you *blend*. End of story. This is a pretty useful life skill.

7. She has a great love of home.

It was Jodi Picoult who said that: 'Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a placemaybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.' For most travelers, the only thing they like more than seeing new things, is being reminded of all the beloved things at home. 

8. She is curious.

She wants to know you -- and the world. And she wants to learn and learn and learn. 

9. She keeps an open mind.

 You can never have expectations when you travel, because they'll always be changed. And the best adventures and stories are the ones you never saw coming.

10. She'll take you with her.

The only thing better than traveling alone (because there is a lot to be said for that) is traveling with someone you love.

Quick update

Hey all,

Sorry for the delay in updating -- I got quite sick and then quite busy.
I'm still pretty busy, so this update will be a quick one. I thought that instead of a traditional blog post, I would give you guys this list that I made while in Tintagel (posted in a second post).

Normal content will resume next week.

~ Emery