Thursday, November 20, 2014

Afternoon in the life

So, once we've headed to whatever metro stop we've been given, architecture class begins (fun fact. It took me 2 months to say architecture in french correctly. It's pronounced Ar-SHE-tec-TOour, with a french spin on the end.) This week, we were off the Odeon Metro. Sometimes I have a hard time focusing because of the amazing stuff and environment around us, but I usually make do. I have a small notebook for the class that I carry around in my pocket. One of the first things we saw was this cool statue.

 There was also this amazing candy stall. It cost me to walk past that thing, I swear. After that, we walked past a shop selling these amazing costumes and masks. And then we walked past an old and rare bookshop. And then a shop selling gorgeous jewelry. . . One of these days, I am going back and looking around. But the class was interesting too, we're studying the more modern periods, like Neo Classicism  though so I'm not AS hooked, but there were still some cool buildings, like this:


 I really loved the roof. I think the best part was when we went into a restaurant though, and got coffee and such. I ordered a coke (called a Coca, in French) because I was exhausted at that point in the day. I'd only gotten 4-5 hours of sleep the night before. When I took that first sip of coke, I knew how tired I was.There was some gorgeous architecture in there. though, and I'm really glad I saw it.

The professor, who is very sweet, paid for our drinks, which he does every once in a while when it's been a long day of walking, and we left.

2 pm. I headed back to Reid Hall to work with my tutor for one of my classes. I won't lie. Having your classes entirely in French when you've only taken 2 years worth is very, very hard. Her name is Helen and she's British but has lived in France for 25 years.She reminds me a BIT of Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Potts. only, not so excitable. 
 It think it's mostly her looks and her accent though. She always wears purple and it suits her. Usually I work with her for two hours, but I was still exhausted, so we only worked for 1. We like to poke fun at each other though and that day, my spelling had just died. So, she kept saying things like "no, dearie, there's an E at the end of that."and "there's no i in plan, dear." I was amused and so was she. Still, fun-poking aside, I learned a lot. Most of what my E.U prof talks about is actually economically based I'm learning. Here's the thing though, if she's a calmer version of Angela Lansbury (or at least her characters) than my E.U prof reminds me of the movie version of Ida, from thief lord.

Like Ida, she is very talkative and excited about . . . everything, really. She looks like her too. Only with glasses. My E.U prof is very cool though, and I like her. She is very intelligent. She LOVES to talk about her subject and has written a book on the subject. She and Helen are VERY different, but I like them both very much. They are both fundamentally great people. After the session was over, I checked out a french children's bookstore. I was a little disappointed. Most of the books were titles I knew in English only translated into France. I caught up to Helen though, and we talked for a little before I headed home.

3-4 pm: Head home on the Metro.

4:30 -- 5: Home. Usually, I just hang out, since this is an earlier finishing day. I poke around the internet, read, write sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to see these things through your eyes! I feel like I'm there!
