Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jamaica Day 3 part 2

Hey guys! Here's part two! Hope you enjoy!

After this, we came to our next stop -- the rainforest! After lots of piddling around we took a tour thing that felt like a ride at Disneyland. 

 Tram Ride. That's what I'm thinking of! I am so tired right now. Cramps plus serious exertion has left me dry! 

Commentary: at the beginning of the trip, everything really did feel Disneyland-esc. There were a lot of lines, a gift shop, a tram, and everything just felt really polished and commercial. And then, we got further into the rain forest, and it felt more authentic then. Still. It was nothing like Peru and how wild it felt there. Sometimes, after all these travels, I can't help but wonder if the Amazon is one of the last wild places on earth, or if I'm simply not traveling off the beaten path enough. I think the later, possibly. After all, Hollins takes the safety of its students very seriously. 

Anyways. Tram ride was fun. But dusty! Then we got into the gift shop and sorta looked around. Honestly I was too busy following Jeri to make sure I didn't miss the zipline and it was just so easy to get separated. [. . .] Then, after lots of to and fro, talking and changing money, we got to ziplining!!  


I was brave -- or dumb -- enough to bring my phone with me and take pictures and videos (though not while on the zip itself) so here are some below. I didn't get any of myself though, so all those with me in them were thanks to Jeri (and one I bought). 

You go a lot fast than you expect! And you bounce! 

Coming down the zipline course!
The guys (sorry Jeri) [on staff] were really cute. Thought as G put it, they were flirting with *all* of *us!*

Commentary: Jeri made it very clear that she didn't want to hear about how cute or hot or sexy any of the guys were, but I had to note it here. 

They were super professional and funny too! I felt totally at ease. 
It was nerve-wracking even for me though -- and I made myself put on a brave front -- I went first. I knew otherwise I might chicken out - and I had already put my contacts on (in my sand-filled eyes. Ouch!). But my stomach was filled with butterflies and my breath was shallow. And we kept getting higher and higher! We could see pools (of water) and people faaar below us. And there were wooden steps and platforms. I felt like I was in a dream, one where things would crash down! And then we were there. The guy (Maro?) went first. He went a lot slower than I expected. I felt a little better. Then it was my turn. I faked bravado: some of it real -- I do like heights and wanted to zipline -- and went for it. Dimly I heard G say, 'If Emery can do it, we can.' Still not sure if it was an insult or a compliment. I choose compliment. Anyways. I whizzed over the ponds and heard people below cheering for me. I loved that. And ziplining was fun. Though not as exciting as I imagined. Too slow. The second one was funner -- we constantly went from platform to platform (about 7 times) -- because the guy bounced the line. The third time was cool too though. It was super long and over everything. Loved that! Super high and looking down was awesome -- that blue water! -- the rest was straightforward and we were all hot when we were done, so after tipping the guys, we went swimming! It was so beautiful! I almost wished we'd just stayed and hung out! So much water! R and I walked together and I couldn't help but be amazed at how surreal it all felt! She agreed. 

Commentary: It still feels surreal, even now. Memories from abroad are strange like that. There's a certain disbelief of "that was me???" 

And then, we jumped in the water -- freezing to the other girls, cool to me --

Commentary: Most of them were east coast girls, and I'm told the water is much warmer there. I have the icy waters of the Kern and the California Beaches in my blood though, for good or ill. And I have a little brother, and we've always played "I'm not cold, are you cold?" game when getting in freezing water. 

and swam into a mini cave and under a waterfall. 
M jumped off a rope into the water even! It was so picturesque! But at that point, I was exhausted so I opted out of the swimming at that point. 

R and I walked back. The rest was a little crazy as I darted around searching for photos both one of me ziplining and photos in general, of which I had [. . .] none. I achieved both, though I made people wait on accident. I was happy about [the photos]. 

Here are some of my hard earned photos, for your viewing pleasure. 

It is *so* late here (10) and it is raining -- tin roof. Sounds like hail (or feet) and I am dead tired, so here's what I'll write about tomorrow. 
-- Bus/Snacks
-- Lunch and Boat Ride (4 PM)
-- Bus
-- Dinner
(Return with Allrivra (?))

But for now, must sleep! 
~ Emery 

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'm trying to update every Tuesday, so check back then! I know there wasn't a lot of commentary this week, but I felt like the journal and pictures spoke for themselves and I didn't want to ruin the flow. 
Don't agree? Leave me a comment and let me know what you'd like me to write about. :) 
See you Tuesday! 

~ Emery  


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