Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Comparing and Contrasting airlines

This is a brief post that's spent years in the waiting.

The following are some of my thoughts on which airlines to take -- and which airlines I wouldn't fly with again, even if they paid ME.

(I am 100 percent serious)

So here, without further ado, are the airlines I've flown, from the ones I like the best, to the ones I can't stand.

Domestic Airlines

First up -- my absolute fave. Delta. If you can afford them, by all means, take them. They are the single ONLY airline that doesn't make me crazy. They leave on time, offer all the creature comforts, and even manage food that isn't completely inedible. But for me, the biggest factor is that they keep their word. They don't push back or cancel their flights, they don't make you check luggage they promised you could carry on, they ARRIVE on TIME. I cannot overstate how important this is. If you have one job -- carry passengers from one place to another in a safe and timely manner -- you really need to do it, and Delta does it. This is why they are my number one. However, them actually doing their job well has a steep price, which usually comes in at several hundred dollars more than other airlines. OUCH!

Second up -- Spirit Airlines. Let me preface this by saying I would not use them EVER on a long flight. But for a short flight, and for the cheap price they offer? I will absolutely be using them again. They are comparable to a regular airline in terms of what they offer, different only in that they actually charge what they are worth, and make life easier for everyone by making you pay for what you use. They way I see it, you are getting what you paid for, which is very little, and that is fine with me. They were about 40 minutes late on their flight, which is impressive, considering we weren't going anywhere with weird weather conditions, but I've paid triple the cost and have had flights be three hours late or more, so I don't hold this against them too much. Will definitely be flying with them again.

Third -- American Airlines. I always phrase it like this -- they're OKAY. They're not good, they're not bad, they're okay. They will get you where you're going at a reasonable price.
They may make you want to tear your hair out, especially on longer flights, where they don't seem to understand how baggage works, or people work, or flying works, as there is always a delay, and always something about an overbooked flight, but unlike an airline that will be mentioned further down, they don't boot their passengers. They boot the excessive carry ons. And their delays, while incredible irritating, do seem to have good reason, and don't exceed an hour. They also seem to be willing to work with the passengers if a missed connection is their fault. That said, the flights have 0 in flight entertainment, and not nearly enough leg room, and are delayed enough where there is fear of missing one's connection. I had to POWER WALK (I can't run because of my ankle) through the Charlotte airport (one of the literal worst for a short connection) and got their with 20 minutes to spare before boarding, (I had originally booked an hour and a half connection. They shortened it to 40 minutes, without giving me an option to reject this, and then were LATE on top of it) and then found out my flight was delayed. First it wasn't. Then it was 5 minutes. Then twenty. Then a whole hour. I was not pleased, but at least it was because of the weather, unlike delays I could talk about later. But I got there. They didn't lose my luggage. I didn't have to spend an arm and a leg. And so, American is OK.

US Airways and UNITED. I am putting them together because I hate them both with a fiery passion of my soul. I will never fly with either of these airlines again. They put me through hell, and honestly, I get them mixed up, so in my mind, they are one and the same. My favorite example was when they were incredible late, so late that I missed my connecting flight and I had to BEG the counter lady to put me on another flight -- which proceeded to be nearly 4 hours late, when the flight itself was only an hour. They also routinely booted passengers without care from their flights, when they (always) overbooked.

They also made stops that made no sense. They would take a route that went in a circle, then double back. They would have insane layovers, either 50 minutes -- which is impossible or 4 or 5 hours. They had no inflight entertainment, insanely long flights, that made no sense, and issues with timelines. I would talk on, but it's been 4 years since I flew with United, and I will never ever ever do so again.


International Flights are in general, far superior than domestic. That's just the way it is. It's been a long time since I've flown international, but from memory, here are the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

LAN PERU. Possibly my absolute favorite international airline. I love them dearly. Huge planes, logical route, amazing in flight entertainment, good food, blankets -- I could go on. But they are a super airline. But, to be fair, I haven't flown with them (because I haven't been down that way) since 2010, so things may have changed. I don't know. 

Air New Zealand. 
I don't remember when I flew with them. I just remembered that they were good. 

Air France 

I remember that they were solidly good. I don't, honestly remember if I flew up with them or Delta, but the airport ladies were kind to me, and the flights in both cases were nice, though I remember thinking I preferred the Air France Flight over Delta, so take that as you will. 

British Airways 
They were fine. I honestly have very little memory of them. 


I've flown both internationally, and all I have to say is, don't do it. The international airlines are so much better, why would you put yourself through all that pain???

And that's all for now folks! Hopefully more to come soon! 

~ Emery 

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