Monday, May 28, 2018

Part Two -- Packing for Roanoke

When packing for Roanoke, I made a TON of lists, but here are the simplified ones. I had decided very earlier on that I didn't want to run through the airport with a carry on, due to the sheer hassle -- and my ankle, and I stand by this choice. The $25 each way was 100% worth it.

First, I had my list of what I would wear for the airport. I did a pretty good job of this, if I do say so myself.

I wore:

  • Black boots (rainproof, for Roanoke).
  • Soft pants 
  • My MIT mystery hunt shirt 
  • Bra 
  • Underwear
  • Jacket (around my waist)
  • Trench Coat
  • I decided against my tiny bag from the last trip, and it worked out well. 
The only problem I ran into with this set up was that I had to POWER WALK through Charlotte and as a result, when I arrived in Roanoke, my clothes were soaked with sweat. I had to change my clothes, wash my hair, and shower, before I could do anything. Luckily, I had brought a spare dress. 
I also never wound up wearing the sweatshirt. 

I also initially wished I had brought flats. But, as the rains continued, I realized I was quite fine without them. 

Second, I had a list of stuff I wanted to go in my personal items backpack, which is pink and giant, with perfectly placed pockets. I've repaired it numerous times, but it's still my #1 choice for an airport bag, especially since my only regret from my trip up to Mills was that I had a bag that didn't close! 

In my pink backpack, I had: 

  • Notebooks (3. A sketchbook, Fancy Notebook, and Plain Notebook). Of them, I used one, once, for poetry. But I was glad I had them all. 
  • Books. I packed 6. I read 2. Next time, I'll try to stick with the 5 that I told myself I'd bring, especially since I only finished one, Candymakers and only read a few pages of the other: Everless. I packed: Everless, Chasing Vermeer, The Gods Themselves, Candymakers, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and City of Saints and Thieves. 
  • Boarding Pass
  • ID 
I always try to keep this where I can reach them, for fast access

  • Wallet. Includes backup ID (I have a State ID and a Driver's Licence), Debit Card (of which I've notified my bank that I'm traveling), backup credit cards, just in case, cash, just in case, and anything else I might need. 
  • Pens. I brought an entire case full, plus colored pencils. I used one pen. It's how it goes sometimes. 
  • Snacks. 4 Luna Bars each way, and goldfish on the way over and cheese its on the way back. They held me over. This was something I did well. 
  • Headphones. Always a must. 
  • Phone 
  • Charger. 
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothbrush cap
  • Toothpaste (mini)
  • Mini deodorant 
  • Plastic bags for the toiletries, electronics, and (a new rule) food. I got my Goldfish swabbed on the way over, I'm not sure if it was because they weren't in a bag or if the scanners were giving them a hard time. My pens also caused trouble. 
  •  I also kept a small bag with my earplugs and sleep mask. These came in very handy this time indeed. 
  • Chapstick times 3. My lips get so easily dried out! 
  • Soft headbands
  • Hair ties. 
  • Hollins ID, just in case.
I also may have had other items, that I have since unpacked, but this is a fairly close list. I did not bring jewelry because it is a hassle, and I don't want to lose it, but I did miss it. 

For my suitcase, a rather ordinary looking purple bag but with a new pink tag, I packed the following items. Here is where I really began to go wrong.

For starters, I packed neither raincoat or umbrella. Big mistake. Big Rookie Mistake, because I failed to check the weather and it rained almost every day I was there.

I also had no cosmetics bag, which meant they all cuddled together in my laundry bag, which meant, you guessed it, no laundry bag for my dirty laundry.

I also wished I had a pair of flats the first day, and I think in future I'll always bring flats just in case.

But here's what I did pack.

  • Two towels. Not a bad idea, but my hostess already had them. I could have saved valuable space by simply asking ahead what was available on hand. 
  • Two wash clothes. Admittedly, even though my hostess had these, I liked having my own. 10/10 would pack again. That said, it was awkward to ask to dry them and it was tricky to remember I had them on hand. 
  • Neosporin. I was super glad I had this. 
  • Bandages. Not only did I use them, but one of my hostess's friends did too. Always good to keep these on hand. 
  • Small Purse. Not to be confused with my tiny bag. This one can fit my wallet, phone, and headset well. It's always good to bring a spare bag (one that not all your stuff is in!) on trips. I was super glad to have this one with me, but I wish I had a bigger one that could bring a book! That's one of my biggest regrets! 
  • Nail clippers. I HATE my nails long, and whenever I've forgotten these (which is often) I get very angry at myself. 
  • Benadryl + other anti inch cream. I didn't use it this time, but going on a trip without this is just foolish. 
  • Q-Tips. Don't leave home without them. 
  • Razor. ALWAYS, if it's a trip longer than two or three days. 
  • Laundry Bag (for dirty clothes) 
  • Plastic bag for some of the smaller items, to make sure they don't open and spill. 
  • Beat up shorts. We didn't go hiking or anything, but it's always a good thing to have on hand. 
  • Shirt to go with it. 
  • Bras - 3 plus a sports bra. One for every two days. 
  • Pants. This was in case I needed long pants for hiking. Not a bad idea, but I think in future I'd like to invest in those two in one transforming pant/shorts things. 
  • Grey Sweater. I love this sweater and nearly live in it. This trip was no exception. 
  • PJs, one pair. I thought that would be good, but I wish I had brought more. I had to borrow from my hostess. 
  • Swim suit. Didn't use it. Was glad I brought it just in case. You should always pack a swim suit just in case. :) 
  • 5 regular dresses. I regretted this so much. They were all too short and impractical. I really wished I had something different 4/6 of the days. 
  • One Fancy Dress for graduation. My dress wasn't fancy enough. And I had no makeup or jewelry. I didn't think it would bother me, but it did. 
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner. These were worth their weight in gold, especially the first night when I'd run through the airport. I taped them both shut, put them in their own little bag, and it was perfect! 
  • Soap and soap holder. I am so glad I got the holder. Otherwise, as per usual, it would have been misery. A very good investment indeed. But it still got its own little bag. No regrets. 
  • Face Masks. Also worth their weight in gold, I used two out of the three I brought and it stopped my face from seriously breaking out. 
  • Ibuprofen. Never leave on a trip without it. 
  • Dental Floss. Same. 
  • Lotion (must have)
  • Face Wash (kept my face from hating me)
  • Birth control. I take it for my presumed Endo (only one way to diagnose it - surgery - but 9/10 odds are I have it) and in this case, I used it to skip my period for this trip! It was a SUPER move but you obviously have to check with your doctor first. 
  • Hairbrush. 
  • I also brought stuff for PB and J but I think in future, I'll just buy stuff there. It really wasn't too hard and I didn't wind up using it until I came back. That said, it made me happy to know I had stuff I could eat. Still. I wouldn't want to do this again. Instead, I would want to pack oatmeal, which carries and holds extremely well.
I'm sure there's other stuff that I'm missing, but that's all I can remember for now. 

Hope that's been helpful! 

Oh -- and some last words. I created a "pack later list" that was very helpful. It included: Driver's License, Boarding Pass, Wallet, Hairbrush, Birth Control, Razor, Lotion, Pens, Headphones, and Phone and Charger. 

Happy Traveling!

~ Emery 

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