Friday, March 6, 2015

Cambridge, day 1

Well, here it is!
I'm sorry to say I'm not going to describe it much, since there really isn't much to say, but I have a lot of pictures for you all, and I hope you enjoy.

So, here are the streets of Cambridge, very old, very pretty. We wound up walking through them a lot. Cambridge is, essentially, a college town. There is one university -- Cambridge, where, to my understanding, the lectures are held, and then there are a TON of colleges, which is where all of the students live and, if asked, the students will tell you that there is where they study: eg, King's College, St. John's College, etc.

So, here is one of them. I think this was a part of St. John's (the chapel) but I'm not certain. There were some really neat things in the city though.

There were a lot of interesting things though, like the clock above. 
And just because I really love old buildings, here are a couple of photos of some of the cool buildings we saw. 

We had a very nice lunch, after that, We sat in the town square and I had this WONDERFUL Cornish Pasty. This was our view.

There were, as you can see, a lot of birds flying over. 

After that, our director showed us St. John's college, where he had gone to school, and we walked around on the various campuses for a while.

Seeing the fancy dining hall -- here set up for something special -- was one of my favorite things. 

Panorama of the Campus. As you can see, our director likes to gesture wildly. 

Then we walked into the Cambridge Gardens. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

And here, just for fun, is one of me.

And finally, an assortment of photos from the grounds of other colleges.

King's College

The roof of King's College Chapel. Apparently it was the widest of it's sort ever built..

And that was basically it. Afterwards, several of the girls and I went to the evensong, because our director claimed it was one of the most beautiful things we would ever here. It wasn't. But it was still very pretty. After that, a few of the girls and I went and went out to dinner at a pizza place and that was very lovely and fun (they had different flavored 7-ups. Yum!) and afterwards, a small number of us went and hung out for a bit in one of the rooms and talked until nearly midnight. It was, in fact, quite nice. 

All for now, more soon,

~ Emery 

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