Friday, March 6, 2015

Cambridge, day 2.

So once again, I am going to be doing a lot of words in pictures kind of thing.

The second day wasn't nearly as interesting or fun as the first, but there were highlights, for certain.

The first thing we really did that morning, other than a nice breakfast, was go and walk around the botanical gardens in the area. There were some picturesque moments.

We also went into the greenhouses, in which were showcased plants from all over the world. I felt bad for the plants,but they were pretty. 

 They also had an amazon exhibit, which was nice, but just made me miss the real thing, which is 1000 times more beautiful. It was like a wave of nostalgia. I do think too, that of all the people I've met on my journeys, those in Peru were the kindest. There's something so amazing about the wild, free, beauty of the amazon . . . which isn't to say that there isn't weird or sad things too (like tarantulas in the shower and the sheer amount of poverty in the country) but all and all . . . there is no other place that I know of on earth like it. The simplicity makes for better people. When we have no worries, we become shallower and shallower as we forget what it is to suffer and work, and forget it what really matters because we take it for granted. But yeah. Anyways. As you can see, it made me seriously nostalgic.
 Still, England has its own kind of beauty, as you will see now.

After we left the botanical gardens, we went to a museum. It . . . wasn't bad. I'm not a museum person though, with very few exception. Still, I did enjoy the exhibit on swords.  

 And the portrait of Elizabeth I.

After that . . . well, we decided to go to lunch. Lunch was decent. We were in a pub and pub food (from what I've experienced from going on lunches here) is actually really good. I think I had a BLT or something. So you should know, that from about here on out, the trip was pretty much over. After lunch, we were given free time. This part was interesting . . . I think I'll say it without mincing words. . . I wound up alone. It wasn't really what I had in mind, since I had no idea where I was or how to get back or what the name of the place we were staying was, but I decided that I didn't care and I decided to make the best of it. It was rainy, cold and windy. And yet it was still lovely.

After some thought, I decided to stay close to the town. I spent most of the time in the bookshops there, then moved to the stationery shops. I was -- and still am -- searching for the perfect notebook, like the one I had in Paris. So far, no luck, but I had fun trying. There is nothing that as good a pick me up as a bookstore or art store -- well, except maybe a candy store, which is where I went as my final stop before heading back (it took me 40 minutes in the pouring rain to find the hotel). It was incredible, as a little girl noted to her father in awe, THEY HAVE EVER KIND OF CANDY IN THE WORLD! While maybe not that many different types of candy, they did have an impressive assortment that reminded me of something out of Harry Potter. I settled on peanut butter fudge (it was amazing) and went on my way.

And that, more or less, concluded my weekend in Cambridge.

Until next time!

~ Emery

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