Friday, February 27, 2015

Countback to Cambridge. Friday. Northbank.

So today I decided that I was actually going to go out and about and so I did.

The first thing I did was go to this really amazing bookshop, Treadwell's, that I'd looked up and heard a lot about. It took me forever to find since it was definitely off the beaten path, but I got there eventually. It reminded me of the leaky cauldron, on the outside, since if I hadn't had been looking for it, I would have walked right past. As it was, I nearly did. It was a rather small bookshop, but very wonderful. Inside, it was very cozy and I was hit with this feeling of calm. Once inside, thishad  little dog came up to me, very excited and happy. His name, it turned out, was Trick. Once I said hello to this little dog, I began to browse. They had a really interesting collection. Everything to the wheel of the year, to dreams, to history, to practical sorts of things. The employee there was very nice too. I stayed. Probably 30-45 minutes and then headed out. I had decided to walk by the Thames, and so I did.
It was a nice little walk.

Well. I say little. It was actually 2.1 miles, according to GoogleMaps! Still, it was lovely weather and views. And then I saw this:

The Millennial Bridge. And then, of course, I had to cross it. There wasn't really another option for me. It was so pretty! So I did.

And here's me, of course. 

Looking windswept as always. 
Once I crossed it, though, it was really cool as well, because I found myself by, what I think was the Tate Modern. And they had a live band playing, which was pretty cool. And they were good! 
At that point I must have walked about a mile and I didn't really want to turn back. So I began looking for a tube station. I passed plenty of interesting things on the way there.

Lots of Restaurants too. 

Southwark?? Cathedral
But surprisingly, the best part, I think, was when I stumbled into the Borough markets. Very cool. Like something out of Bedknobs and Broomsticks. There were just stalls and stalls of all kinds of wonderful and interesting looking food. Feeling adventurous, I had a mint chocolate chip ice cream (in a cone, of course) that was made using goat's milk. It was delicious. I think I prefer it to cow's milk. The goat's milk had a slightly lighter taste and texture, but other than that it wasn't particularly different. I do not regret that 3 pounds. 

All for now -- 

Stay tuned for the next countback -- (About Wednesday, since yesterday was fairly dull)

Wishing you the best as always,

~ Emery  

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